Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Week Eight - Tuesday - long term task

Day 44 - Tuesday

My illness wont keep me from my long term task, so I'm still banging away on AMM. It's funny how things can turn on a dime and the contact you made that was looking so promising can seem suddenly so useless.

Today is the day of my meeting with my #2. I called her last night to confirm and check where and when. Someone male (presumably her partner - this one has a partner) answered and told me she was out. He took my name and #2 called me back a while later. She called back to say something had come up and could we reschedule to next week? I was a bit bummed, especially with this coming so soon after being stood up, and it was probably noticeable in my reaction. I did, however, assure her it was ok and we'd talk about next week.

Today I got a text from her asking if I wanted to meet up tonight. My first reaction was annoyance - make up your mind lady! But a few more text messages convinced me to put that aside, shit happens hey, and I'm meeting up with her tonight. We'll see how that goes.

In other news, I finally got a reply from my #1 girl who stood me up last week. She had a pretty good excuse and apologised profusely so I agreed to try again sometime this week. She rang me just moments ago for the first time, and of course I was on a work phone call and couldn't pick up. She did leave a message saying she'd like to meet up tomorrow morning for breakfast and left her work number. I called her work number to find she had (in the period of 5 minutes) left the building. ARRRGH! This is so annoying!! I left her a message on AMM, but if past history is any example then she wont get it until sometime too late tomorrow. I don't think she has internet access at home, only at work. Ye gods people, is it really THAT scary to give someone a bloody phone number?!?!?! Ok rant over....

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