Thursday, August 03, 2006

Week Four - Wednesday

Day 24 - Wednesday
I'm a day late posting this one, work was crazy yesterday and is even more crazy today. Yesterday I managed to slip away quite late, around 5:30pm, knowing that my colleagues would be finishing work between 6pm and 6:30pm and would check in with me before they went home - so it was in my best interests to get back into my office before 6pm, giving me a time limit to work to. I think the time limit helped a little, but I did have to get out the vibe and it wasn't until I was nearly walked in on with my toy buzzing audibly that I was really starting to get wet. I tried to bring myself off before the other person in the bathroom left, and I managed to be quiet, but I didn't find my climax until I was alone again. From memory it was another good one yesterday.

Til next time,

miss C

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