Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Make Me Proud... a task

Well it's time to get the wheels turning again. Let's roll things back to where I left off...

The weekly task assigned to me by A was to do at least one sexy thing each day that would make him proud. Open-ended tasks are always so tricky for me!

For work reasons I didn't do a very good job this week, time was not something I had in endless supply and I really felt that injured my ability to fulfil my task somewhat. But no more excuses. My best successes were to do with a cute girl at work I have been working on for a while. She is a temp, travelling through Australia from England (so she has the sweetest accent). We've chatted a lot at work and I've tried to turn the conversation more personal as we went. I even gave her my phone number though we haven't managed to meet up outside of work due to clashing schedules and her working nights.

Two days of this week my task fulfilment was initiating, and then closing the deal on a "date" (or rather, getting together for a meal) with the cute English girl. I am disappointed to report this date never came to fruition as she had to cancel on me and followups with her resulted in no further success. Poo.

I have left it so long to report I can't actually remember what other things I did to make A proud... I know I did have more successes but I can't recall them right now. Maybe later.

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