Tuesday, November 17, 2009

20 Love Letters - The Sixth

From very early on in our relationship you’ve played careers counsellor to me. You’ve helped me choose which job to take when I’ve had competing offers. You’re there to buck me up between contracts and tell me that no, my career is not over, there will be another job just around the bend, try and enjoy the break in the meantime.

More than anything though, you’re so good at letting me know my own worth. It’s so easy on big projects to just feel like a small cog in a big machine, lost in the rows of names on a phone list. You’re so good at reminding me that I actually have some skills and worth and a lot to offer. Plus you read my contracts for me when my eyes want to roll back in my head at all the legal jargon that I could probably understand if I tried hard enough but it’s just… so… boring.

Thanks for being there to talk me up to myself before I have to do the scary negotiation phone calls. Thanks for believing in me and for telling me I’m amazing.

You know, you’re pretty amazing too.

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