Friday, November 27, 2009

20 Love Letters - The Thirteenth

I love it that you can cook. You are a much better chef than I will ever be and not only because you enjoy it, you also have a flair for it, plus all the background of growing up in a household that knows good food.

When you throw things together you don’t get tied to a recipe, you just feel it out, adding in what ingredients you think will work and you’re usually right. When things don’t come out the way you like, you get so miffed, like somehow you’ve failed even though the end result is always edible.

I’m not terribly confident in the kitchen. When I do cook I get really stuck on following the recipe and usually take forever to put something together. I’m better at desserts than meals, and you are better at meals than desserts so between us we pretty much have it covered.

I’m looking forward to being fed by you soon.

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